Services for Students

Cafeteria Service

Cafeteria services are available for students and staff at Seaquam Secondary. Food preparation services are provided by students enrolled in Cafeteria Training. The variety of items available on a daily basis includes hot and cold entrees, sandwiches, desserts, and beverages. The cafeteria also features a salad bar on select days of the week. The cafeteria operates a non-profit teaching kitchen that enables food costs to be kept to a very reasonable level.

Career Resource Centre

The Career Centre provides accurate and up-to-date occupational, scholarship, and educational information to students, particularly Grade 11 and 12 students, and to staff. Students will find calendars for post-secondary institutions from across the country, scholarship opportunities and applications, student loan information, résumé writing support, interview tips, and career information. “Seaquam Student Futures,” the monthly newsletter produced in the Centre, keeps students informed about upcoming deadlines, information sessions, scholarships, and updates from B.C.’s colleges and universities. The Career Advisor, Ms. Gehiere is available for one-on-one advising, and parents are welcome to make an appointment if they have questions or concerns. The Centre is for the benefit of all students, and younger students are encouraged to acquaint themselves with the resources available.

Counselling Services

We have four counsellors at Seaquam Secondary.  They are available to discuss personal matters, school-related issues and course planning.  They also work closely with community services such as Deltasssist, Ministry of Children and Families, Fraser Health Unit and Delta Youth Services.  While it is sometimes possible to drop in, students are advised to set up an appointment to speak with a counsellor.  The Counselling Offices are located in the Main Office.

Grade 8 – 12 students are assigned a counsellor according to the grade they are in.

Course Planning Guide

The Course Planning Guide is available online on the school website. The purpose of this guide is to provide students and parents with the information necessary to make thoughtful course selections, thereby preparing students for graduation and post-secondary opportunities. The guide for the following school year is available online in February of each year.

Extracurricular Activities

Seaquam Secondary continues to challenge students academically and encourage the social, cultural and physical development of each individual. Participation in both athletic and non-athletic activities fosters responsibility, respect for others, self-discipline, creativity and cooperation. Listen to announcements and check the school hallway monitors as well as the school website to learn about activities such as sports, clubs, student government, etc.

First Aid

The school has two designated staff members who have Level 2 Occupational First Aid training. They administer basic first aid treatment to students and staff. For more significant injuries and illnesses, parents/guardians will be expected to pick students up from school and take them to a medical professional. In the event of an emergency, an ambulance will be called and the school will notify a parent/guardian as soon as possible.

Learning Support Centre (LSC)

The Learning Support Centre teaches courses in Strategies and Grad Quest. Students receive support for core subject areas and assistance in strengthening and developing skills in reading, studying, learning strategies, time management and organization. Students, parents and teachers may access additional information about the Learning Support Centre by contacting a counselor.

Learning Resource Centre (Library)

The LRC has a wide range of non-fiction and fiction resources in a variety of formats to support the curriculum and for recreational reading. Students may also access videos, magazines, newspapers and e-books. Computers are available to students for research and working on assignments. The teacher-librarian, is available to assist students. Students using the LRC are expected to respect the learning environment of other students who are working and studying. The LRC is located across from the main office and is open during regular school hours.


Lockers will be assigned to students and must be kept in good order. Students must provide their combination lock.  These are available at the office for purchase.  Students are responsible for the contents of their lockers and therefore, for security reasons, students should not share a locker or a combination lock with anyone.  Students are advised NOT to leave valuables in their lockers at any time. The school reserves the right to remove locks and enter lockers when necessary.

P.E. lockers – Clothing and personal items should be locked in a gym locker during P.E. class.  To avoid theft, do not leave valuables in the gym changing rooms.

Lost And Found

All “found” articles should be turned in to the office. The ‘Lost and Found’ is located in the gymnasium area. Smaller items (watches, devices, glasses, keys, etc) are stored in the main office. Questions about lost items should be directed to the secretary in the main office.


Individual student pictures will be taken in September for the purpose of issuing I.D. cards, providing photos for the yearbook and providing parents with a choice of several photo packages for purchase.  Grad photos are taken later in the year.

Public Health Nurse

While a public health nurse is not available on a regular basis, arrangements can be made for students to see one.  An appointment to see the nurse may be made through the counselling department. Services offered include testing for possible hearing and vision loss, immunization programs, and medical advice that is minor in nature.

Special Programs

Students are assigned to these programs on a needs basis by a District Intake Committee and include such areas as ESL, various Resource Room Programs, Alternate classes, and the International Program. For more information, please contact a counselor.

Student Council

Students who wish to assume a leadership role and make a difference for the school are encouraged to join Student Council. Student Council organizes a range of school events, such as dances, lunchtime events, awareness campaigns, etc. Members of Student Council often participate in student leadership events and local community events. Meetings typically take place on one designated day each week.


The theatre is the main teaching, learning and performing area for Seaquam’s Drama classes. The theatre is also used for various school productions, assemblies and school functions.  Students are expected to respect the theatre facility by refraining from bringing in food and drinks. As a sign of respect, students are expected to remove their hats during assemblies and performances.


The yearbook goes on sale in September. Students are encouraged to purchase a yearbook as soon as the sale is announced. Don’t be disappointed by not ordering a yearbook at the beginning of the year. Yearbooks will be distributed during the Yearbook Celebration in June.